Arrival by car
- Please enter Rudolfskai 37 into your GPS system.
- At the pedestrian light turn right onto Mozartsquare.
- There you will find a bollard system for which you need a code.
- We will send you the code by e-mail a few days before your arrival.
- Follow the red arrows on the map to get to our house.
- Please do NOT use your GPS system! It will guide you wrong.
- After your check in we have to ask you to park your car in the nearby parking garage of the "Barmherzigen Brüder" at Kajetanerplatz 2. .
- You also can drive directly to the parking garage.
- For the short walk to our house please follow the green arrows on the map.
- We can offer you a special parking rate. Please pay and collect your exit ticket at our reception.